RYLA Aplications 2024

Personal Data

Rotary Club: Grant

Name: Madison R Swesey

Gender: Female

School Grade: Sophomore

School – Perkins County High School

Primary Phone Number – 308.353.0335

Address: PO Box 577 Grant, NE 69140

Parent/Guardian Information:

Jordon Swesey

Phone: 308.353.6797  Email: jordonswesey@gmail.com

Relationship – Mother


Please explain what you hope to gain by participating in RYLA.

I hope to gain better leading and socializing skills, as well as building my desire to help others. I have always been more on the shy side, so being introduced to a lot of new people would help with that. Leaders need the ability to communicate well with others, and I also need to work on my communication skills. Being put in a group with people who I don’t know will force me to find ways to communicate that I wouldn’t have to use with close friends and family.

Rotary’s motto is “service above self.” What does that mean to you?

“Service above self.” to me means that you always think of others before you think of yourself. You are thinking about what’s best for everyone as a whole and not what you want or what you think you want. When serving people you have to be flexible and give a little.

Past and Current Experience

Have you ever volunteered before? – Yes

List any past or present volunteer experiences including dates volunteered and position responsibilities.

When I was part of 4-H we would volunteer to help out with picking up trash, making garden beds look nicer, and handing out poppies before Memorial Day. I also helped out my church with a soccer camp. Currently I am part of the Perkins County Leo’s Club. We haven’t done much but we recently did a Pancake Feed to raise money for some families in need.

Do you currently have a job? – Yes

List up to three past or current paid job experience including dates employed and responsibilities. Start with your most recent

I have been working at Hatch’s, our local store, since the beginning of June, 2023. My responsibilities include: doing chores, checking, facing the items, bagging, and any other random thing that needs done. I used to babysit during the summers of 2021 and 2022. My responsibilities in that job were to watch the girls, make their food, and do anything else they needed or wanted to do. I have only had those two jobs.

Have you received any awards or honors? – Yes

List awards or recognition

I have been on the A-Honor roll since 7th grade, and the most improved during Cross Country. I was recognized for participating in golf, musical, one-acts, speech, and track last year. I also got into the UNK festival choir.

that you received for academic, school, or community activities beginning in the 7th grade

I have been on the A-Honor roll since 7th grade, and the most improved during Cross Country. I was recognized for participating in golf, musical, one-acts, speech, and track last year. I also got into the UNK festival choir.

Have you participated in extracurricular activities or organizations? – Yes

Please list, in order of importance to you, any school, religious, social, athletic, hobbies or other activities or organizations which you have participated in since the 7th grade

Cross Country, Art, Quiz Bowl, Musical, Leo’s Club, Choir, FCA, Golf, Track, and One-Acts.