RYLA Aplications 2024

Personal Data

Rotary Club: Watertown SD

Name: Whitney M Martinsen

Gender: Female

School Grade: Sophomore

School – Watertown High School

Primary Phone Number – 732.610.8211

Address: 912 South Lake drive watertown, SD 57201

Parent/Guardian Information:

Clair Martinsen

Phone: 516.567.7077  Email: cmartinsen1@hotmail.com

Relationship – Mother


Please explain what you hope to gain by participating in RYLA.

By participating in RYLA I hope to gain new leadership skills, and meet new people interested in doing the same. I hope to learn about team activities, and I love participating in hands-on volunteer work.

Rotary’s motto is “service above self.” What does that mean to you?

When I hear the motto “service above self”, I think of the type of person I aspire to be, and the role models I have seen in my life. Many of the adults in my family have shown me that what it truly means to care about others. My grandmother for example works in woman’s groups, and has taught classes to help people in need get through schooling. That’s the type of person I want to be for my community.

Past and Current Experience

Have you ever volunteered before? – Yes

List any past or present volunteer experiences including dates volunteered and position responsibilities.

I have worked about 42 volunteer hours in the past two years through school programs like Arrow Ambassadors, and through my church. For Arrow Ambassadors, I have taught several kindness lessons to elementary school classes, and I am enrolled in a mentorship program for struggling kids in the 5th grade and up. Through my church I have worked in the Watertown Sandwich Ministry and made meals for the less fortunate. I also teach a fourth grade class their Sunday school lessons.

Do you currently have a job? – No

List up to three past or current paid job experience including dates employed and responsibilities. Start with your most recent

Have you received any awards or honors? – Yes

List awards or recognition

I achieved student of the year awards in middle school. Furthermore I had all A’s through middle school years, and was on the golden honor roll. In high school I have maintained my grade and been awarded for it several times. I have received letters for academics and debate.

that you received for academic, school, or community activities beginning in the 7th grade

I achieved student of the year awards in middle school. Furthermore I had all A’s through middle school years, and was on the golden honor roll. In high school I have maintained my grade and been awarded for it several times. I have received letters for academics and debate.

Have you participated in extracurricular activities or organizations? – Yes

Please list, in order of importance to you, any school, religious, social, athletic, hobbies or other activities or organizations which you have participated in since the 7th grade

In order to branch out and find my interests, I have participated in school groups such as orchestra, debate, peer helpers, student council, yearbook club, arrow ambassadors, best buddies, HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) , and FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). Through my church I have participated in the Watertown Sandwich Ministry, and Sunday school teaching.