RYLA Aplications 2024

Personal Data

Rotary Club: Luverne MN

Name: Kaitlin P Conger

Gender: Female

School Grade: Junior

School – Luverne High School

Primary Phone Number – 605.610.7831

Address: 317 W Lincoln Luverne, MN 56156

Parent/Guardian Information:

Jen Mulder

Phone: 507.227.2717  Email: Jennifer_n_mulder@yahoo.com

Relationship – Mother


Please explain what you hope to gain by participating in RYLA.

I hope to gain the ability to become a role model and leader to my peers. Being someone underclassmen or coworkers can look up to is an honor I would love to have. While I have been a leadership position before as a stage manager for school plays it would be wonderful to have more of those skills as I move on in life. I also hope I have the chance to make connections and friendships that will last for a life time.

Rotary’s motto is “service above self.” What does that mean to you?

Service above self to me means putting others before yourself. rather than being selfish you think of the whole group. Service above self is an important value to hold as someone in a leadership position because if you always put yourself first you aren’t much of a leader. helping and caring for others is one of the main things a leader needs to help their team succeed and thrive.

Past and Current Experience

Have you ever volunteered before? – No

List any past or present volunteer experiences including dates volunteered and position responsibilities.

Do you currently have a job? – Yes

List up to three past or current paid job experience including dates employed and responsibilities. Start with your most recent

I started working at sunshine middle of August last year under Jason Oye. My responsibilities include handling freight, handling meat, and helping customers with any question they may ask. When I run out of work in my own department I help others with anything I can do.

Have you received any awards or honors? – Yes

List awards or recognition

I have been on the A and B honor roll for all of high school.

that you received for academic, school, or community activities beginning in the 7th grade

I have been on the A and B honor roll for all of high school.

Have you participated in extracurricular activities or organizations? – Yes

Please list, in order of importance to you, any school, religious, social, athletic, hobbies or other activities or organizations which you have participated in since the 7th grade

I’ve been in high school theater every year since freshmen year. I’ve been a stage manager and done minor roles when I’ve gotten the opportunity to. I help the actors and director with anything from my simple duties of moving sets to costume mishaps while under the time limit of performing to a live audience. I’ve also been in band since 7th grade and marching band since 9th. In marching band I assist underclassmen with anything they need and learn new things every day. I have also been in girls tennis for all of high school.