RYLA Aplications 2024

Personal Data

Rotary Club: Grand Island Rotary Clubs

Name: Colton W Zehendner

Gender: Male

School Grade: Sophomore

School – Heartland Lutheran

Primary Phone Number – 308.627.9967

Address: 23765 Grand Island Rd Pleasanton, NE 68866

Parent/Guardian Information:

Jackie Zehendner

Phone: 308.379.5902  Email: cjtjczehendner@gmail.com

Relationship – Mother


Please explain what you hope to gain by participating in RYLA.

I hope to gain leadership experience and meet new people through RYLA. I also hope to learn new things about leadership and new ways to serve my community. I also want to learn new ways to organize service and how to lead through service.

Rotary’s motto is “service above self.” What does that mean to you?

It means that you lead by example and serve. You don’t lead by being a “dictator” but rather you follow Christ’s example and expect to serve and not to expect to be served. It also means that you should look to serve and not wait to be told to serve.

Past and Current Experience

Have you ever volunteered before? – Yes

List any past or present volunteer experiences including dates volunteered and position responsibilities.

School pie booth at the Nebraska State Fair, Sept. 2022. Vacation Bible School at Zion Kearney, July 2022 and 2023. Once a month usher at Zion Kearney Church since August 2022. Boys Basketball Skills Camp in June 2022 and 2023.

Do you currently have a job? – No

List up to three past or current paid job experience including dates employed and responsibilities. Start with your most recent

Have you received any awards or honors? – Yes

List awards or recognition

Academic All-State for Basketball and high honor roll due to a 4.0.

that you received for academic, school, or community activities beginning in the 7th grade

Academic All-State for Basketball and high honor roll due to a 4.0.

Have you participated in extracurricular activities or organizations? – Yes

Please list, in order of importance to you, any school, religious, social, athletic, hobbies or other activities or organizations which you have participated in since the 7th grade

attending church, Family commitments, Basketball, Track, Quiz Bowl, Cross Country, Youth Group activities, and trips.