RYLA Staff Applications

Delaney Rogers

Gender – Female

Position(s) Applying For – Junior Counselor (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper), Photographer (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper)

Year Participated in RYLA – 2022

Times You’ve Served as Junior Counselor – 0

Home Phone – 308.636.8960

Work Phone – [695]

Cell Phone – [683]

College Phone –

E-mail – d.rose.rogers425@gmail.com

City, State – Dunning, NE

School City, State – ,

Why do you want serve in the positions you’ve selected?

I just really want to be back in the RYLA atmosphere. I absolutely love RYLA. I learned so much about myself and the people around me and I want to experience that from another level of leadership.

How has your experience as RYLA participante impacted you?

The biggest way that RYLA impacted me was by showing me that everyone can be a leader when given the opportunity. I used this mindset and worked with one of my rotary members to set up and interact. I really want to promote leadership and service over self to the kids who get over looked in small communities because they aren’t the best basketball player or they don’t have the best grades.

How do you feel you can contribute and grow RYLA?

I found out at RYLA that I’m a “who” person. I love taking care of people and helping in ways most people don’t feel the need to. I feel like I would be really good at making people feel safe and comfortable at a camp with lots of new faces.
