RYLA Staff Applications
Kalee Brosius
Gender – Female
Position(s) Applying For – Junior Counselor (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper)
Year Participated in RYLA – 2021
Times You’ve Served as Junior Counselor – 0
Home Phone – 308.636.6137
Work Phone – [695]
Cell Phone – [683]
College Phone –
E-mail – kbrosius2@icloud.com
City, State – North platte, NE
School City, State – ,
Why do you want serve in the positions you’ve selected?
When I went to camp last summer I had the time of my life. It really taught me so much from being comfortable with who I am, to teamwork. I also know that having a junior counselor like the one I had really helped me feel comfortable, and I want to follow in his footsteps.
How has your experience as RYLA participante impacted you?
My experience at Ryla has shaped me in so many ways. I used to let people almost walk all over me but Ryla inspired me to stick up for others and know what’s right and wrong. It also taught me that sometimes it’s okay to be vulnerable and it’s okay to not always need to please others. This experience was one of the best ever and I really just want to share that experience with other kids out there.
How do you feel you can contribute and grow RYLA?
I am always someone who will help with what ever needs done. With all of the changes that will probably take place this summer it really means a lot to me to make sure that the next group of campers gets the best experience.