RYLA Staff Applications

Kalee Brosius

Gender – Female

Position(s) Applying For – Junior Counselor (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper)

Year Participated in RYLA – 2022

Times You’ve Served as Junior Counselor – 0

Home Phone – 308.636.6137

Work Phone – [695]

Cell Phone – [683]

College Phone –

E-mail – kbrosius2@icloud.com

City, State – north platte, NE

School City, State – ,

Why do you want serve in the positions you’ve selected?

I want to be a Ryla JC because this camp taught me so much not only about how to be a leader but about myself. A big part of that was my counselors. I want to give the next group of kids that same love and care that Andrew and Kirsten showed me.

How has your experience as RYLA participante impacted you?

Like I previously stated this camp definitely shaped me into the women I am today. When I look back to last july the only thing that comes up is bright and happy memories. I built some of the strongest friendships from this camp as well.

How do you feel you can contribute and grow RYLA?

I saw on the RYLA facebook page that the site where we held camp last year burnt down. This made me so sad. I want to help as much as I can with trying to make it just as influential as last year and the years before. I know the organization has also faced several other changes which I would love to help make the transition easier.
