RYLA Staff Applications

Andrew Koehlmoos

Gender – Male

Position(s) Applying For – Junior Counselor (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper), Photographer (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper)

Year Participated in RYLA – 2021

Times You’ve Served as Junior Counselor – 1

Home Phone – 402.340.9822

Work Phone – [695]

Cell Phone – [683]

College Phone –

E-mail – drewkoehlmoos@gmail.com

City, State – O’Neill, NE

School City, State – Lincoln, NE

Why do you want serve in the positions you’ve selected?

I want to serve as a Junior staff because of how I saw that my role as a junior staff does make a difference in the campers lives. I was very nervous, anxious, and scared about what to do when the campers go there and what to do during the week. But after the first day I realized the reason I was there, and I want to come back and continue to help the next group of campers grow in leadership skills and as them selves.

How has your experience as RYLA participante impacted you?

My experience at RYLA impacted me a lot, it taught me to be myself, back home especially in high school I always felt that I had to pretend to be someone that I wasn’t to fit in. After RYLA I realized I did not have to pretend and I can be who I am and that had definitely made life easier and has made college a lot more enjoyable.

How do you feel you can contribute and grow RYLA?

I feel like that I can contribute and help grow Great Plains RYLA, my bringing many life skills that I have gained from my participation in 4-H and 4-H Shooting Sports over the years. I learned how to be responsible, helping, and grew great leadership skills that RYLA helped me grow even more. Especially last year I was able to really learn how to lead without telling them how to do something, which is really important since that his how all of my mentors and previous leaders have done for me.
