RYLA Staff Applications
Dakota Guthrie
Gender – Female
Position(s) Applying For – Junior Counselor (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper), Photographer (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper)
Year Participated in RYLA – 2021
Times You’ve Served as Junior Counselor – 0
Home Phone – 308.520.4943
Work Phone – [695]
Cell Phone – [683]
College Phone –
E-mail – guthried687@gmail.com
City, State – North Platte, NE
School City, State – ,
Why do you want serve in the positions you’ve selected?
I was the photographer last year and learned a lot about being a leader. I would love to help out again and bring all that I have to offer to the team! I am open to whatever position I can help with!
How has your experience as RYLA participante impacted you?
RYLA was an experience that impacted me in so many ways. When I was a camper, I learned some crucial leadership skills. I also learned to open up more and relate to others. When I attended as photographer and helper last summer, my leadership skills were really put to the test. I had to learn how to handle stressful situations with grace, leadership, and confidence.
How do you feel you can contribute and grow RYLA?
I am a really level headed person. I am able to handle stressful situations well. I am good at guiding a group and helping them learn the necessary skills to be a leader. I am handy, and get things done. I feel like my willingness to help others and “110%” attitude will balance out the team well.