RYLA Staff Applications

Annaka Digmann

Gender – Female

Position(s) Applying For – Junior Counselor (Open to anyone who has attended RYLA as a camper)

Year Participated in RYLA – 2021

Times You’ve Served as Junior Counselor – 0

Home Phone – 308.763.9405

Work Phone – [695]

Cell Phone – [683]

College Phone –

E-mail – digmann218@gmail.com

City, State – Alliance, NE

School City, State – ,

Why do you want serve in the positions you’ve selected?

When I attended RYLA, the people that helped run and organize the camp really helped me to learn and overcome many challenges. These people, especially the junior counselors, helped me to realize that trying new things and working with others is really important and can be extremely fun. They helped me to bond with my group and be more willing to open up to them and others. I want to be able to give this opportunity to more students and help them to get out of their comfort zones. I am also someone who likes to be a leader in groups, and RYLA helped me to work better with others. I want to have the opportunity to help other teens like me learn to work with groups and be team players. I want to help young people have an amazing experience just as I had.

How has your experience as RYLA participante impacted you?

Before attending RYLA, I was a very reserved person who did not try new things very often. RYLA really helped me to expand my leadership skills and try new things. I never would have gone ziplining or tried the powerline walk before meeting the amazing people who helped push me out of my comfort zone. Doing those things made me realize that it is okay to leave my comfort zone and try new things. These not only included the things I did at RYLA but also applying to be officers in the activities I participate in and even applying to be a junior counselor. It also showed me that it is okay to be afraid of things, but overcoming those fears is much more rewarding. By overcoming my fears, I got to try new things and expand my horizons.

How do you feel you can contribute and grow RYLA?

The people and activities that I encountered at RYLA really helped me grow into a stronger leader and someone who can listen and work with others. I feel that as someone who struggled with being a team player when I was younger, I could help more students who struggle with this. Being a leader who can listen and share ideas with their group is an extremely important lesson that I felt was really emphasized through the activities we participated in during RYLA. I think that I could help guide these students to work in their groups and express their ideas even if they are hesitant. This is something that I found was really important during the leadership activities. It is important to learn that some of the ideas your group might think are really bad, might be the ones that help create the best project.
