Senior Counselor
- You must be a Rotarian or Rotaractor in good standing with your club.
- Must be at least 21 years of age or older.
- Must attend all dates of Great Plains RYLA.
- The two major needs for Senior Counselors are to enable young adults to continue their leadership development and to ensure the fulfillment of the goals for the RYLA participants.
- Have demonstrated excellent leadership skills and the ability to motivate youth.
- Support and stay in communication with the Junior Counselor you are paired with to develop your team dynamic as well as the individual RYLArian’s skills.
- Attend all activities with assigned team.
- Oversee the safety of the junior counselor and the team.
- Help make connections between RYLA and Rotary.
- Serve as a mentor to the Junior Counselor and the RYLArian’s
- Enforce team rules and implement necessary consequences. Any issues that extend beyond group dynamics need to be reported to the RYLA chair.
- Assist the Junior Counselor in facilitating all activities and group discussions as necessary.
- Maintain communication with the RYLA chair (s) and Leadership Team.