RYLA Aplications 2023

Personal Data

Rotary Club: North Platte Rotary Clubs

Lily J Valentin McCreary



School – Hershey Public Schools, HPS Panthers

Primary Phone Number – 308.660.1407

9528 W Front Rd, North Platte, NE, 69101

North Platte, NE 69101

Parent/Guardian Information

Lacy McCreary Johnny Valentin



Relationship – Mother


Please explain what you hope to gain by participating in RYLA.

I want to become a better leader and I want to improve my people skills. This is important to me because I sometimes struggle with understanding people and I want to be able to connect with my team to have a successful outcome. I want to be someone that people look up to because, as an older sister, I have always had the most responsibility in my family. I want my peers to all feel comfortable with having me as their leader and to understand that I’m willing to help them and make them feel welcome.

Rotary’s motto is “service above self.” What does that mean to you?

I feel like this is saying that it is important to help others and to make sure that you are doing the best thing for people before you go into action. It’s good to analyze the people around you and to understand that things that you do effect others. So this motto means to take a step back and look at the people around you before you make a decision.

Past and Current Experience

Have you ever volunteered before? – Yes

List any past or present volunteer experiences including dates volunteered and position responsibilities.

I have volunteered at my last 2 gyms and my current guy helps teach my BJJ kids class. I am an assistant coach and I am there to help meet my students on track and I’m there to help them understand what they are supposed to be doing. I have also helped clean up my community park at my old house along with other activities that were associated with my friend’s boy scouts. I always try to find ways to help others and love doing things for my community.

Do you currently have a job? – Yes

List up to three past or current paid job experience including dates employed and responsibilities. Start with your most recent

I babysat a neighbor’s son from the age of one to two and a half. My babysitting schedule during the summers of 2020 and 2021 was as follows; arrive at 7:00 am – 2:00 pm, snack approximately at 9:00 am, lunch at 12:00 pm, and nap approximately at 12:30 – 2:00 pm. At the beginning of my job I was given and specific rules on food preparation, safe play practices, approved screen time, and was only allowed to take Baby to my home, which was down the road. Food preparation consisted of, chopping or mashing raw vegetables or fruit (depending on Liam’s age and ability to chew with his baby teeth that were sometimes not all grown in), preheating leftovers in the microwave, to cooking food on the stovetop such as grilled cheese sandwiches with canned soup or pan-seared steak or anything that was given for preparation. Food was to be cut into very small pieces, or mashed. First I mostly fed Liam or assisted in feeding him until he was able to hold utensils better. I was to keep him clean after meals or play time and encourage Liam to clean up after himself by teaching him to do so. I had to change his diapers and clothing, and ensure he was properly dressed for the weather. If we went out, I made sure we had adequate liquids, a snack, and first aid kit along with locking the doors to the house. I aided in teaching him the beginning stages of colors, shapes numbers, and category identification; dog is not a cat, baby dog is called a puppy, cars go vroom vroom and we stay safe on the grass, not the road, to wave as the cars go by. During this job, I learned to be patient, understanding, and kind. Children can be difficult and stubborn and will refuse to work you with at times. I had to learn ways to encourage cooperation yet not waver in discipline. You can’t be angry at babies but they need to know when you are serious. I feel I developed that skill a lot in those two summers. I was willing to bend my schedule a few times to help Liam’s mother in minor emergencies or if she had to work overtime.
Brazilian Jujitsu Assistant Instructor:
I have been working as an assistant instructor in kids’ Brazilian Jujitsu for two years. The class sizes are on average 20 children. In Maryland, I taught and assisted in one general beginner class. I was a white belt (beginner) and had been practicing for just less than 2 years. Here in North Platte I Assist in 2 classes, of beginner-level classes with the student broken up by age groups. I just received my Yellow Belt (intermediate) from Professor and Black Belt Marco Alemeida. Brazilian Jujitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that specializes in ground fighting. It teaches you how to neutralize an opponent through joint attacks and chokes, as well as using leverage to gain an advantageous position. During assistant teaching, I helped individuals understand technique by physically moving their body into the proper position as they work with a partner or is working with them. I ensure they pay attention; I regulate fights so neither student is injured during live rolling. I play with them to encourage a spirit of healthy competition. This is an aggressive sport so sometimes a kid will be very intimidated, or overly aggressive. I am there to regulate those types of behaviors. I stand as a mediator between the instructor and the student. I am between skill level and age so the kids can see what their potential can work up to in me as an example. I am required to wear the proper uniform and have my hair up, toes, and fingernails trimmed and clean. I need to have good hygiene since this is a close-contact sport, it’s respectful to the gym and its members to be clean and healthy. I have to be 10 minutes early to study that day’s lesson with the instructor. I have to be patient and kind as well as strict. It’s very easy for the students to get out of hand so they need behavior regulation often. I am to make sure the students enjoy the class as they learn

Have you received any awards or honors? – Yes

List awards or recognitions that you received for academic, school, or community activities beginning in the 7th grade

I have received 5 MMA belts and 25 stripes that have helped me boost my Belts. I also received certificates for my belts and have won a few different MMA competitions. I also have received a few awards from my old girls camp.

Have you participated in extracurricular activities or organizations? – Yes

Please list, in order of importance to you, any school, religious, social, athletic, hobbies or other activities or organizations which you have participated in since the 7th grade

First and most important to me would be my MMA activities. I also enjoy my Art club classes. I’m currently trying to get my GED and learning in highschool at the moment.